Search results

  1. tedelex06

    Paramore tour dates: really pissed off

    >.< im so pissed off... I was so excited about the upcoming aussie Paramore tour, and then today i found out its in the middle of my HSC. FUCKING LOVELY. :evilfire::evilfire::evilfire:
  2. tedelex06

    [help] programming at uni

    what is the best uni/course for getting into web programming i already know: XHTML/CSS PHP Javascript XML (AJAX) ASP.NET VB6 C# what i really need is some experience and a piece of paper.
  3. tedelex06

    Best course for programming?

    well, im wondering f anyone could tell me, what is the best (or one of the better) courses to do if i want to end up with a job in programming (software). im mainly interested in games programming (NOT design), but i figure that its probably best to get a general programming-ish degree wich...