so you are saying to me that people who prepared 2 related texts...but had to scrap one to answer the question...ultimately losing depth and concise argument will be marked the same as the people who did two related texts, disregarded the question and vomitted out their memorised essays?
hey u fuckers who cant read shudnt get no fucking brownie points or shit
you should get penalised for not being able the read the question
...only in fucking english can you sluts get away with answering your own question, if this was maths you dont get no brownie points for stating extra...
hey automatic
i think your idea was really great - im amazed that you wrote 11 pages thats fantastic
from the looks of it your story must have been truly mind blowing, i especiialy enjoyed your sunflower analogy
i rkn you'll do alright, this year i heard the board of studies will give...