have a look in the independent - an english newspaper. i've got an article from that relates quite well to smithsonian/history-memory. its worth a look anyway.
look, it doesn't really matter what the religious viewpoint of a person is. i'm a christian and well, it doesn't bother me at all. i think though that the youth of the church don't really mind at all, because it is just a style of music and everyone has their own opinions on it whether its good...
is it an explain, evaluate, discuss, describe question? its kinda hard to answer that particular 'question' if you don't know what you have to do in your answer - and is there a particular issue that needs to be adressed?
i dont think i have any embarassing stuff on there, but one of my friends has AFI, britany spears, shania twain, primus, and a whole lot of other stuff as well. its true, ive seen it.
well, i must have been completely out of my mind when i chose it cause i absolutely hate the subject with a passion. not recommended for people that do modern history and music - very bad combo. overall, english is a shit subject cause we dont really need it - only for writing essay's properly...
In his essay ‘Hamlet and His problems’ Essays on Poetry and Criticism (1922), T.S Eliot, a renown poet and critic stated that :
“Few critics have ever admitted that Hamlet the play is a primary problem and that Hamlet the character only secondary…”
Is this a fair assessment of Shakespeare’s...
hey guys. i do 1 unit sor and we have to do an essay on environmental ethics in christianity.
any ideas on what to write about would be appreciated
hey guys
ive come to a bit of a wall in performance for my elective performance. i want to do a funk/ jazz solo.
i'm thinkin of bernard purdie
Any other Ideas would be appreciated
i am a drummer and my music teacher at school is always like no that piece is shit, its not written specifically for a drum performance. WHAT THE HELL!!
anyways, ive got an old second hand kit that sounds soo sweet. just got new remo skins for it. amazing sound. paiste Alpha cymbals. Fave...
maybe - something to do with heritage- romulus goes back to his home country only to find it destroyed and changed beyond imagination. so possibly to be able to belong you have to have a sense of connectedness with your home.
good choice of band. maybe talk about things that commonly feature with the band like the vocals and just relate the concepts to it. or even say about the relationship/roles of all the instruments and how they create the unique sound of the band.
other possibilities may include choosing two...