I definitely agree with this guy and all the people before,
Excel books are amazing. saved me in physics chemistry and ext math.
Conquering Chemistry is a great book too, and it teaches the course in the correct order too...
buy Excel and CC , without at doubt :party:
Simply the layout of the exam. if you look at all the options , all the last questions are worth 7 marks. guess they wanted a knowledge dump.
and i was also quite disappointed there was no deep sea corrosion!
i spent the whole morning doing last minute cramming on the sporovibrio desulfurican...
personally i loved shipwrecks.
Q 1 a) was just aluminium (as it forms a passivating layer)
b) was really weird and i just fudged some answer about protective paints and stuff...
the rest was great.
Sorry bud, but there was no iron. It was a platinum electrode and a lead electrode in a solution of Fe2+/Fe3+
there was no Fe(s). therefore lead is oxidised, not the imaginary Fe(s)