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  1. D

    English advanced tutor needed

    hey all, english advanced tutor needed... preferably female (learning purposes) that has studied belonging as their AOS... Texts im doing for the rest of the year are : -now starting peter schneski- immigrant chronicles -Module A: Hamlet (need someone good with shakespeare) -Module B...
  2. D

    your opinions on experimenting with drugs.. while on schoolies?

    and these... • Anorectic• Barbiturates• Benzodiazepines• Benzylpiperazine• Buprenorphine• Butorphanol• Cannabis• Chloral Hydrate• Cocaine• Codeine• Depressants• Dextromethorphan• Dextroproxyphene• Fentanyl• Flunitrazepam• Gamma Hydroxybutyrate• Hallucinogens• Hashish• Hashish Oil• Heroin•...
  3. D

    your opinions on experimenting with drugs.. while on schoolies?

    im probs just gonna do these aye... Valium alcohol Morphine Panodol Nitros Oxide Illegal heroin marajuwana opium Stimulants Caffeine nicotine Ilegal Speed Cocaine Legal Hallucinogens Ilegal Magic mushsrooms LSD Acid ice