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  1. Casablancas

    Another law dropout >.<

    Im studying accounting with laws so I would either drop to accounting or transfer to acounting with business administration. I knew law would be no walk in the park, but i didnt realise how heavy it would be. I'm particularly afraid of the essays looming. What if i pass first year, then...
  2. Casablancas

    Another law dropout >.<

    I'm currently studying accounting/law at Macq, starting with Law115. People further into the degree go on about how 'it gets better' and 'everybody feels lost'. wbu?
  3. Casablancas

    Another law dropout >.<

    I'm not learned enough to know that. I just knew that law would(or should) be synonymous to justice and that I could make 'a difference'. I had considered family law or possibly a branch of law which would improve circumstances for the disabled(does that exist??)Despite this, I'm known for...
  4. Casablancas

    Another law dropout >.<

    A week in I think i'll live the stereotype of being a drop out who wanted law for 'all the wrong reasons'. Money, prestiege? I had this initial focus of achieiving justice, doing something great (pffft I know). I found the tutes overally confronting, the readings dull and the assessments (in the...
  5. Casablancas

    University Timetables: Basic Rules for Freshmen

    Is it hard to make it to lectures/tutes on time if they're one after another? . My friend said that lectures and tutes are often a tad shorter to compensate for this but I'm not sure if every uni is like that. Also, how should I space out lectures and tutes? Is it alright to have a tute before...
  6. Casablancas


    the fees are higher at Notre Dame
  7. Casablancas

    Has anyone ever had or known of a teacher qualified in both history and legal studies

    Re: Has anyone ever had or known of a teacher qualified in both history and legal stu there both HSIE subjects, so sure thing :rolleyes:
  8. Casablancas

    193rd thread on how offers work

    wooooo! yeah, thats wat I wanted to find out. Thanks :o
  9. Casablancas

    193rd thread on how offers work

    I know about the different rounds and stuff, but how do offers from different uni's work? Can you get two offers from different uni's? Or just your single highest preferece?
  10. Casablancas

    Is there any difference?

    I just know that Professional accounting is recognised by the CPA and Chartered Accountants of Australia( qualifications..? not too sure), thus looking more impressive to an employer the general commerce degree would just have those as majors, so if you already know that you want to do...
  11. Casablancas

    Who left out sections or important info in their HSC exams?

    Didnt finish my AOS eng essay (adv), but got away with an 89 :music: Similarly, I should have lost 15 marks from my Legal studies family essay because I didnt read the question properly but got away with an 87 Thank God for assessment ranks/scaling
  12. Casablancas

    Exercise books?

    I know theres a thread on this sumwhere, but I cant find it. What do u bring/use at uni? Loose leaf, binders, 120 exercise books? Lecture note pads, sectioned??? Or do laptops king these all?
  13. Casablancas

    What should i be aiming for ?

    Aim for 90+ Totally do-able. When results came out, i came to find my standard/advanced friends had similar ATARs. I had a friend who got an 88 doing standard eng, general maths, food, SOR etc. They only got one band 6
  14. Casablancas

    Slightly Racist UNSW Program Guide

    ewwww. Since when are they 'white uni' places? Didnt white people technically invade this country? btw i did 'lol' at the pic, but ur post made me throw up a little
  15. Casablancas

    ITT: we reminisce the old kids shows from the 80s-90s on abc kids

    o Animorphs o Funny bones o Richard Scarry's Busy town (Cat family, Lowly the worm, Mr. Fix it. Anyone with me??) o Oakidoke --> loved that oak man sliding down his tree:party:
  16. Casablancas

    17 year olds?

    From what I've heard, most people hate/are annoyed by the first years any way. Similar to high school. Not that anybody will be able to tell how old you are
  17. Casablancas

    too many international students

    Bahahahahahaha. I hate it when people start these sorta threads. What I do enjoy are the whitty remarks of the more learned individuals like yourself :rofl:
  18. Casablancas

    Law timetable

    Hey all. I was just wandering how busy an undergrad student would be in their first/second/third etc year. What was your schedule like? Uni 5 days per week? Workload? I'm thinking of law/professional accounting. Will I die if I'm not super smart? ps. would it be right to say $8859x5yrss=...
  19. Casablancas

    What are your final UAC preferences?

    1. Bachelor of Commerce - Professional Accounting with Bachelor of Laws at Macquarie University 2. Bachelor of Commerce with Bachelor of Laws at Macquarie University 3. Bachelor of Business Administration with Bachelor of Laws at Macquarie University 4. Bachelor of Business Bachelor...
  20. Casablancas

    Cheating on the HSC. How much of it goes on?

    our friends in the other business studies class would tell us the assessment essay questions so we could study during lunch. Made a HUGE difference since the top mark always came from our class