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  1. R

    Prior Education, worth the Ca$h?

    Yeah, Prior is alrite, but it just makes u feel bad that other people who are paying one fifth of your amount is getting atars of 98+ :burn: It would make your parents happy if u could do good without paying so much :P and wow 8 weeks thats seriously screwed..
  2. R

    Prior Education, worth the Ca$h?

    ohh aha, I don't think any tutor would do that lol, but yeh just saying everyone could do the same without paying so much =)
  3. R

    Prior Education, worth the Ca$h?

    I attended Prior 2 years ago and when i left I could do fine myself lol. And yeh you have to pay extra =/
  4. R

    Prior Education, worth the Ca$h?

    LOL yehh >< even if you have like one little question left you have to pay for one hour $60, or minimum $30 for half an hour, and the question could be completed in like 1 minute lol.
  5. R

    Prior Education, worth the Ca$h?

    I attended Prior for half a year and left. I really didn't think it was worth the money, it is the same as buying some simple work booklets and working through the solutions. Other tuition colleges which are ALOT cheaper could give you the same learning experience, Prior just has fancy looking...