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Search results

  1. Bevo92

    School Motto

    High school motto: DHS: Sapienter si sincere: Wisely if sincerely - i like it Primary school mottos were: FFPS: Truth and Honour WPS: Friendship, Loyalty and Learning
  2. Bevo92

    Most annoying book of all time

    Hmm..it would have to be a toss between Twilight and Hiter's daughter (I was forced to read that in year 7)
  3. Bevo92

    Meiji Restoration Japan (Modern History)

    Imperial Japan undertook massive colonial expansion at the beginning of the 20th century. Here are some i can think of: Korea (occupied in Sino-Japanese War 1895, annexed 1910) Formosa (annexed after Sino-Japanese War 1895) Port Arthur and Liaotung Peninsula (territory ceded after...