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  1. J

    PROGRESS IS SAUDI ARABIA: First female TV presenter dressed as a ninja

    this clearly shows you have nothing... you just say the same comments over and over...
  2. J

    PROGRESS IS SAUDI ARABIA: First female TV presenter dressed as a ninja

    no your not trolling.... they are getting trolled by you meaning their getting owned, burnt, pwned, left speechles, pimp slapped, backhanded u get the picture lol
  3. J

    PROGRESS IS SAUDI ARABIA: First female TV presenter dressed as a ninja

    nah mate...they convert to Islam they are not born Muslim...why would a religion that mistreats women (according to you sad people) appeal to people esp women in America. also your all getting trolled here by anonymous.92 vs like 7 lol all you replies are like i did this to ur mum and...
  4. J

    PROGRESS IS SAUDI ARABIA: First female TV presenter dressed as a ninja

    it must kill all the anti-islam people here to see how fast islam is spreading these esp in America where its more women becoming Muslim.... don't believe me google it or youtube...since its where u get ur info from