Well while your on way to the fine establishment that is Narimba TAFE, why not find a nice cardboard box and live in it for the rest of your life to save some time?....the fact of the matter is that if your are aspiring to go to TAFE you may have well of not gone to school as it is clear you...
Look people, sure the HSC is very important but as long as you don't do dropkick subjects like standard eng or gen maths you aren't going to do badly... everyone else does the work and is smart enough to do well...even if your freaking out it is probably a good thing as it means you unlike many...
I certainly hope that good luck applies not only to their exams but their entire lives as anyone ding standard needs a lot of luck in life. But i guess it should scale well this year, probably due to all the really intelligent, literate people who do it...I have heard that if you get 99/100 it...
the fact of the matter is that if you are doing general maths, the scaling should be the least of your worries...no amount of scaling is going to save you from the fact that you are so mentally incapable that you cannot understand concepts beyond general maths ie past addition and subtraction
yer this is true the standard just gets higher and higher...apparently this year you guys need to get all the way to m in the alphabet and on the note of getting band fives, if your doing standard english ,even if you do by some miracle get an amazing band five mark, you are close to illiterate...
the key difference between private and public is that those who attend private schools have moneyand therfore potential in life...there are of course other differences such as the core skills taught in public schools being ideal shanking technique and drug street values while private school lean...
but considering you do really good subjects like general maths im sure your script for drama is awsome and you are set already in the subjects you have looked at...i know mid 80s is really hard to get but you really come across as such an intelligent person in general that im sure ul gt there
There is no need to manage stress...either you go to a private school and life is made no matter what happens so dont stress out or you are public school filth...in the unfortunate case you are doomed to fail anyway so dont bother stressing...just accept your fate and maybe start learning brick...
No general kids have no strengths...the fact of the matter is that if you "study" general maths it is a miracle that you have the intelligence to remember to breathe...the only maths people studying general need anyway is help working out how they are going to use their doll money once they have...
Its very simple...the more money you pay, the better the teachers, hence the useless teachers who struggle to speak english let alone teach it are in the poor pleb schools in the west. Its a brilliant system