Wrong, this is just a rumor that was dispelled today... A mate at my school signed up for the UMAT at the beginning of the year, yet realized he doesn't want to do medicine a few weeks ago. He couldn't get a refund, so he showed up this morning, and as he didn't give a shit, he copied the ENTIRE...
Wasn't too bad... Found section 1 & 2 quite easy... Section 3 required the most time, so I ended up copying the last 5 or so questions off some asain who finished in a few min... Deffs knew what he was doing lol!
Haven't gotten to 10 yet, but do you think you could do me a massive favour and post answers for exam 1? I can't seem to find them anywhere... and its strange as I have all others...
It really doesn't interfere with your study at all. In fact, its supposed to require very minimal preparation...
And we do it to get into undergrad med. Why waste a whole year by not doing it.
You don't need it for med science, and if your using that as a bridge into medicine, you will find...
The courses are useless, yet the papers serve their purpose.
I asked around, spent 5 mins writing a sob story and got essentially every paper written by those scammer sites. You caught me out, but others got sucked right in.
Although I can also point out their faults... I saw a few taken...
Preparation courses mean nothing... It has been proven time and time again that its a waste of money.
When you do the past papers you are really only learning the format of the exam, and with section 3, the types of patterns that may arise... Also in section one, you learn the sort of questions...
Just a few questions...
What sort of wristwatch are we allowed to take in? I have to bring a digital one as my entire strategy relies on it... Its not chunky or anything, and doesnt have anything like a calculator... Theres just a count down lap thing I HAVE to have...
I heard some people had...