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  1. N

    Where exactly is university of victoria?

    Campuses | Victoria University | A New School of Thought | Melbourne, Australia There's a lot of VU campuses spread throughout Melbourne, but the one I'm thinking of is the one overlooking Flinders Street Station.. so that'd be the Flinders St building I'm guessing..
  2. N

    Travelling to uni..

    Thanks everyone. Arts is apparently very good at Monash (so I've heard) so I'm hoping to go there.. Arts at Deakin apparently isn't as good, but again, that's just what I've heard. And I always feel safe on trains, I've caught a couple at 2-3am and never had any trouble.
  3. N

    Travelling to uni..

    Thanks everyone, it definitely does seem possible to do, especially seeing as I'll only be sitting down on the train with a book/iPod. Geelong :D
  4. N

    Travelling to uni..

    And is it a massive pain to travel for that long? People are trying to convince me not to go to Monash because it's too far..
  5. N

    Travelling to uni..

    Just wondering if anyone has had experience in travelling for long lengths of time to get to uni? I'm hoping to get into Monash, but that means 1 1/2 hours of travelling to get there on the train, and the same to get home again. I can't afford to live in Melbourne, so that's out of the...