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  1. S

    UNSW 2009 S2 Results Thread

    Session Course Title Result ======================================================== T2 ACCT3583 Management Accounting 2..........69 CR T2 FINS3625 Applied Corporate Finance........71 CR T2 FINS3630 Bank Financial Management........86 HD...
  2. S

    what is so bad about UWS?

    uws business and commerce to unsw commerce :angel:
  3. S

    A question?

    that made me LOL quite hard
  4. S

    what is so bad about UWS?

    I transfered from uws to unsw :> and my opinion is that uws isnt that bad but yeh it has room for improvement
  5. S

    transferring usyd to unsw?

    it is actually the best mark out of UAI and your uni marks I know this cause I transferred to commerce with a shit uai lol