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  1. T

    Rules for Customers

    But this guy.. buys like 8 pall malls so a carton + choice.. every single day or 2. Like thats fine that he wants to know the specials but if your just going to buy the same ones, why does he need to know whats on special. But when he did say about IGA has choice 30's. I must admit i did get...
  2. T

    Rules for Customers

    i have this customer that comes in and wants choice 30's.. but yet our woolworths only sells 25. He always say well IGA sells 30. So after this comment like that, i say "well we arnt IGA, but fine by us, if you want to go buy them there." He is a pain in the arse customer. So rude. We have to...
  3. T

    Rules for Customers

    He is awesome.. i agree on everything he said :)
  4. T

    Rules for Staff

    #5 works :P
  5. T

    Rules for Customers

    This is why we as woman have a mouth.. You kindly tell the man, if he touch's you again, you will call your manager and they will take the man out of the store. (as a warning) and then if he does it again.. You will say to the man. : If you touch me, i will have you charged with sexual assault...
  6. T

    The Woolworths Thread

    I got that truck too.. was waiting for the big one to come down in price.. but someone must have bought it. It was $30.00 tho. Bit pricely on my end for a truck like that. Even tho it is Woolworths :P
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    The Woolworths Thread

    i read it all... i was thinking the whole time.. just call DC.. hehe :P
  8. T

    The Woolworths Thread

    We did $240,000 today.. and we are only a regional store in Victoria
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Monday we did somewhere in the $130,000 Tuesday we did $160,000 and ill see what we make tonight being Wednesday. But when i was working on Self-serve on Monday night, i was manual putting people through self-serve it was that busy and im sure ill have to do it again tonight :( its all fun and...
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    The Woolworths Thread

    we just close ours down.. since the office staff should have put money in the self-serve machines in the morning.. but they dont. i had 4 down the other week.. so i only had 2 to play with :P
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    The Woolworths Thread

    cant you only sign 5 contracts a year? The 5th one being you will have to use that one till the end of the year.
  12. T

    The Woolworths Thread

    We always have the same issue at my store.. people come in and want to buy for their business.. but we tell them no.. we sell to people, not buisiness. Ok so the other day i had a guy that wanted to buy 28 crunchies and 10 cadbury bubble (mint) and 12 cadbury bubble (choc) and some more. So i...
  13. T

    The Woolworths Thread

    The first answer is right But the second question i would choose the first answer.. as you can do a price enquiry and it doesnt go onto the customers bill... or even if you do put it on the bill you can always void it off :P
  14. T

    The Woolworths Thread

    In vic - my rate is $17.55 (PPT) and $19.36 (casual) But im over 21 so yeah!
  15. T

    The Woolworths Thread

    we dont take resumes by the hand anymore.. sure they will put it on the bench for a sec, and then it will go straight into the bin. You can only apply online.. No offence but waiting two weeks...LOL um yeah some of us.. it took like a year to get a job.. myself tho, it was 3 months. Thats cos i...
  16. T

    Rules for Customers

    At woolies we call these people.. Stalkers :P There is about 5 of us that have stalkers, i had a guy who was maybe 50+ ask me out... yuk. Then there is this other guy who is maybe 45ish.. who will only get served by certain people, and then look at their bottoms while they are getting smokes...
  17. T

    The Woolworths Thread

    Our store always makes a call at the end of the night, about 10mins before close.. and then one at midnight. The midnight ones are pretty funny depending who is running the show. But getting back to PA's.. we have 1 PA in between 2 registers.. so 7 altogether on front end. But we need one in...
  18. T

    Rules for Customers

    we are picky.. we have to deal with customers like you ...
  19. T

    Rules for Customers

    i agree to everything you just said ^^ especially number 2.. ok so im short ish ( 164cms *something like that*) and well the belt goes up to my tummy, and so the basket will be up my breasts.. and this guy is like.. oh do you want me to take out the items or shall you just doing it... (him...
  20. T

    The Woolworths Thread

    yes anything over 4 hours.. yes