Not having the 'assumed knowledge' will not affect whether you get accepted at all. As for once you're there, i just had a quick look at your degree and it turns out you can do fundamental chem for your first year chem units. Fundamentals has no assumed knowledge for it so you'll be fine :) If...
Hi :)
I'm currently studying B Science at Usyd but I am looking to transfer to BSci/BComm at the end of the year. The ATAR required is 94.15 and I got 90.1 so I was just wondering what WAM would be required to get into this degree. I know the entry is 50/50 ATAR/WAM, but how do they determine...
Hey :)
I'm transferring from B Science at USyd to B Psychological Science at UNSW (hopefully). The cut-off was about 87.5 from memory and I had an ATAR of 90.1 so I should get in based on that, however I was wondering if mid-year cut-offs are generally higher than January rounds. Has anyone had...
I missed the ATAR for Medical Science by 1.95, so I'm going to do a BScience at USyd instead. On the USyd website it says that you can transfer into Medical Science for second year, but does anyone know if they offer many places for this/ is it likely that I will be accepted?
Thanks in advance! :)
My bad, i totally read that wrong, i'm way too sleep deprived haha. The others are right sorry, but if you definitely think you should've done better you can get a results check
Same here :( I was really expecting a Band 6 for that one...oh wait I spent way too much time studying English and only got 84 :|
Biology - 89/89 - 89 (SO FUCKING CLOSE)
English Adv - 85/83 - 84 (damn.)
English Ext1 - 35/37 - 36 (exactly the number I always thought I was gonna get, I have no...
Know your syllabus dot points inside and out, i cannot stress the importance of this enough! With the syllabus you'll also notice (I'm not sure if it's the same in prelim) that there are subheadings with dot points underneath them. If a question asks you for example, 'Evaluate the significance...
Re: crucible related texts
@Lina3 that sounds like a fantastic related text. Tbh i'm not sure how common it is, but because it is a well renowned piece of literature as long as you analyse it well the markers will love you!
Multiple text types: fictional recreation, personal reflection, historical documents, discussions etc
Analogy: the 50 gates, where light represents knowledge and understanding whilst blackness (a reoccurring image) represents lack thereof
There's tonnes of different techniques in this book, try...
I'm looking at doing public relations or advertising and the two courses that seem the best are:
UTS: Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Public Communication)
Mac: Bachelor of Marketing and Media
The Mac degree is a new course for 2012 so there isn't very much info around about it, but the UTS...
Yeah definitely don't jump into the decision, be certain that it's what you want to do.
If you really enjoy them then it might benefit you to keep them. One of my teachers said that doing the extra subject gives you access to more knowledge than a person doing 10, which could benefit you later...
For me i found that the whole 'do 12 units as a back up' to have negative repercussions when i weighed it up for myself and looking at other friends who did 12.
Firstly, there's the obvious thing of more time to focus on your other 10 units, not only in the afternoons, but also if you dropped...
There should be at least 1, but hey they could be cruel. I reaaaally doubt they're gonna be asking about social/cultural life seeing as that only came up a couple of years ago. I'm really hoping there's a collapse of the republic question! I'll probably be fine if there's not cos i've studied...
Wow i only wrote 7 pages for essay and 5 for story (about 8 words a line), i just write so freaking slowly! I'm so annoyed i didn't get to write the last two sentences of my story so i didn't really get to link it back to the stimulus that well (yes i know i should've managed my time better, i'm...
Re: Paragraph Length - Should I split each concept over two paragraphs, two texts eac
I think i should probs cut my themes down, 634 words on one is not looking good for the rest haha (if i actually ever do the rest -_-). Man i'm feeling your pain so much! I was supposed to have written a...
Re: Paragraph Length - Should I split each concept over two paragraphs, two texts eac
Tbh, i've been so unprepared for extension, idk why it's just the one subject i've never really bothered with (terrible i know), so i don't have a real grasp on how long it'll be. I don't think i'll be able...