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  1. sydchick

    infinite jest by david foster wallace

    what's this book like? i've only heard a little about it and heard that it is epic (1,000+ pages) and ii'm not sure about the difficulty level. what's it about? is it a non-fiction/essay or fiction? and ratings please! :)
  2. sydchick

    your definition of a beatnik and hipster

    everyone i know has no concrete definition of a beatnik and/or hipsters. so, what is yours
  3. sydchick

    arcade fire

    yay or nay
  4. sydchick

    I need to read something.

    Someone give me suggestions, please. I really want to read Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead or some Raymond Carver or William S. Burroughs but I don't know if I can hack it or not. I read quite a bit but I don't know if these are outta my league.
  5. sydchick

    vampire weekend

    are the best. Just thought I'd let everyone know. Other bands like them?
  6. sydchick

    True Blood

    I've just started watching this and it is just...hmm. Anyone else watch it? Now, I HATE Twlight with a passion, mainly due to shit writing and re-writing Buffy/Angel plots all over again and selling it tweens who think they are hot shit. But this isn't the kiddie stuff. This is really...