My PIP is due in under 5 weeks now, and apart from actually writing it, I need to come up with a good title for it.
My topic is "Gender Stereotyping within Children's Media" and it has alot to do with current kids' telly programs.
Any suggestions whatsoever for a PIP title would be greatly...
Sorry if I am repeating this, but it's obvious that it isn't getting into your head.
You try to resist your temptations? Like wearing mixed cloth, working on the Sabbath and drinking in excess? I really fucking doubt it.
THAT is why people are trying to assert that you are a hypocrite, as you...
Okay that may be so, but I sort of wonder if people who believe so strongly in these things (homosexuality is sinful and wrong) have actually reached those conclusions as individuals, or if other influences have made them believe those things. I think that one should go on a more personal...
How much of what you are saying is just what has been preached to you by your parents and parish, and you are just spewing it up??
And before you decide to have a go at me...I come from a very Christian background, and although I myself am not religious, my family doesn't have any problem with...
Oooookay I have a load of stuff to say on this topic...and it's all sort of self-contradictory, maybe.
When I first read the intro post, I was really agreeing with it and thought it was heaps true, seeing as I hate those girls too...but then I thought about it a bit and there are a few things...
I heard a really good rule for this problem, the younger of the two must be:
"Half your age plus seven"
Personally I wouldn't live by that rule, but its good if you feel that some guideline is necessary :)
I keep changing my mind about what topic to do for my PIP, and I need to come to a conclusion cos my class is doing a progress assignment, due in 5 days!
I was thinking of doing a study on 'The Big Issue' which is a magazine thing sold by disadvantaged people...dunno if anyone has heard of it...
I have only just chosen a PIP topic, and I want it to be on political correctness and whether it is necessary, how it reflects society's values etc. I was hoping for some suggestions-other sub topics w/in it and what to use as the cross cultural comparison (age/generations, gender or culture)...