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  1. M

    Post Your Timetable - S1 2010 Edition

    will do, once I get myself motivated.
  2. M

    So...what's next?

    PHD Comics: Now what?
  3. M

    Post Your Timetable - S1 2010 Edition

    I'm doing 3141 too :)
  4. M

    UNSW rectangles- need help!

    if this is reddit, you deserve 100+ upvotes
  5. M

    Has anyone ever felt this way towards their lecturer/tutor...?

    Well, I'll be honest, my first reaction was "Are you fucking kidding me???" But in case you aren't a troll (let's not lose hope in humanity), this is not really the place to ask such things, girl. Yes I came out of lurking just to say this.