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  1. Mysterie

    Fave author?

    probably W.S. Burroughs and Will Self Keruac isnt too bad either
  2. Mysterie

    The Trial, Kafka

    Ive read like the first chapter of this book and am thinking about studying at Yr 12 level since i was recommended it by my sister so could you please try answer my questions about it a)Is it a good read? b)Could i analyse its content without difficulty? c)Should i study it? thanks in advance
  3. Mysterie

    good songs?

    The Knife - Marble House The Knife - You Take My Breath Away
  4. Mysterie

    Brave New World

    i read BNW and loved it but i think id classify it more as dystopian fiction than sci-fi it just seems like a genre involving more tractorbeams than GE/classical conditioning etc
  5. Mysterie

    What are you currently Reading?

    im on the last few chapters of Dharma Bums - Keruac its kinda interesting but nowhere as good as On the Road :S
  6. Mysterie

    Covers that you like better than (or as much as) the originals...

    Thunder Road - Tortoise (Bruce Springsteen) Mushaboom - Feist (Bright Eyes) <Could be other way rounnd? Lol> Such Great Hights - Iron & Wine (Postal service)
  7. Mysterie

    The McDonald's Thread

    hey, im 17 and i got an interview at maccas just wondering is it hard to get integrated into the system for a new-timer or will everything be automatic after a couple of weeks? because i know at KFC as a cook everything was pretty confusing etc thx
  8. Mysterie

    Any suggestions for jobs?

    yeh i have been on it and they dont rlly have any jobs suitable for students etc the best option is to check your local newspaper or whatnot and yeh obviously i was exaggerating :lol:
  9. Mysterie

    Any suggestions for jobs?

    unless he has a degree and wants a 70k+ job then seek is so useless if you want to help make a suggestion
  10. Mysterie

    Glue Store HELP HELP PLEASE :)!

    try and be charismatic if they arent a major chain they will probably just care about your personality and past experiance so just try be yourself and like really enthusiastic.
  11. Mysterie has anybody used this site b4?

    a) im pretty sure the site ur reffering to is b) no i dont but its a big thing in America i hear
  12. Mysterie

    Cover letter for apps?

    do i need to put in a cover letter with my resume if im just going to random stores that arent advertising positions??
  13. Mysterie

    your current favourite song

    Elegant Disasters by Eletric President i stumbled upon it at and its so good
  14. Mysterie

    would you stop buying hard copies of books and download them off the net?

    definately staying with real books -ebooks hurt your eyes after like 10 minutes -printing them out is a bich -cant make notes on it, if your studying it
  15. Mysterie

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    Gyppo, which was nominated for like 2 BAFTA's is undisputably the worst film ive ever seen
  16. Mysterie

    hey i saw that you said you had done a project on the connections between Fight Club and...

    hey i saw that you said you had done a project on the connections between Fight Club and hyde/jekyll if you could send ur notes/project to or link me i'd appreciate it heaps :)
  17. Mysterie

    I need to read something.

    My idea of fun by Will Self is pretty genius