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  1. A_Machiavellian

    what do you do when...

    ok so i've just about run out of HSC papers to do for my subjects, what do i do once i finish them other than go through and find faults and fix any holes in knowledge/answering technique??
  2. A_Machiavellian

    what do you reckon it'll take to...

    get a 95 in senior science (yes every thread i ever post is about SS)
  3. A_Machiavellian

    Am I Going To Regret This? (not ATAR estimate)

    so i'm doing Senior Science (trolololololing HSC cause i do chem and phys too) I'm consistently getting 95% in exams (externally written trials and mid years) and in HSC papers i'm getting around the same... what are my chances of getting 95 as my HSC mark?? 1st in course at school...
  4. A_Machiavellian

    Can marks be aligned down?

    Lets say you do a relatively easy HSC course... lets say Senior science Can the aligning of marks actually go down? so a 90 raw going to an 80 aligned mark because the exam is easy? or am i completely confused and making an idiot of myself :confused:
  5. A_Machiavellian

    una estimatorio por favour

    school rank ~30's senior science 1/6 (95% average in internal assessments) Chemistry 4/50 Physics 12/60 2U Maths 23/75 English Adv. 59/87 estimate away cheers :smile:
  6. A_Machiavellian

    mmmmmmm senior science guesstimate time

    school rank 40's senior science 1/25 Chemistry 1/45 2U Maths 6/70 (70 includes 50 3unit people) Physics 15/55 English (Advanced) 50/90 indulge me (prepares to cry self to sleep)
  7. A_Machiavellian

    Senior Science Revision 2011

    I'll start off with a question from Lifestyle chem: Explain how an emulsion is a colloid but not all colloids are emulsions? (3 marks)