I was still a baby when Voldemort came into the house and killed my dad. He then approached me but my mother got in the way... He continued on and went for me but that's all i remember.
Wait a minute...
Wait, am i missing something? What have you done in the past year that's made you so wise?
"omg omg omg hsc HARDEN THE FUCK UP!"
PS Really nice meeting you.
Aren't you a member of: Bored of Studies - Winter kicks ass
How do i know this? I've got all of the members on my hit list. Wheres my gun!!!
You can't have one without the other.
On topic:
Cold toilet seats!!! I always pause for like 10 seconds before sitting down.
Lol as in gangs? :p
Whenever we went to the veg markets and my mum was busy, i'd always load up the scales with all these heavy fruits (heaps of watermelons) before being yelled at by the owner.
Lol isn't that from the textbook? (mines anyway) :)
The answer above is right, though a good way to remember is that "spatial" is similar (in both sound and meaning) to "space". Once you know that you know what ecological dimension isn't. If that makes any sense.
My 2 cents :cool: (aren't...