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  1. skyhawkmatthew

    Ipads? An investment or a waste?

    I use my iPad exclusively at Uni - it's great for lecture notes (instead of printing them A4) and for taking notes in other lectures - the onscreen keyboard is perfectly useable for that once you get used to it. The battery easily lasts all day, it has 3G for when uniwide doesn't work (again)...
  2. skyhawkmatthew

    Which one is best to you?

    I tried out the Windows 8 preview - it's totally jarring going between Metro and the normal desktop. They need to get that worked out - and Metro kinda works with keyboard and mouse, but it would be a total pain having to use it all the time, I think.
  3. skyhawkmatthew

    The new iPad

    I love my iPad 2 - it's super handy in uni lectures to have the slides/lecture notes/questions on, as well as obviously being there to quickly look something up, etc. I don't plan to upgrade to the new model yet - I'll probably get the next model though.
  4. skyhawkmatthew

    How do we rate Optus?

    OK, I didn't know that... thanks.
  5. skyhawkmatthew

    How do we rate Optus?

    Well, looks like you're stuck with Optus regardless... but in my experience living on the mid-north coast and now in Sydney, Telstra has a significantly better network than Optus - both in coverage and speed. In metro Sydney you should get 2100MHz 3G with Telstra if you go that way - but of...
  6. skyhawkmatthew

    Your first day at uni

    PHYS1111/1149 was boring as hell. MATH1031 was actually interesting.
  7. skyhawkmatthew

    How do you change your timetable?

    Changing one tute involves 'swapping' the course you want to change for the same one, then manually choosing the lectures/tutes you want to attend.
  8. skyhawkmatthew

    unsw zmail

    Sorry, I don't have Office 11 so can't try it out -- but I can't imagine it'd be much different to set up. I've found that if you fill in the email address field with your 'name' address (e.g. it will let you send emails from that address instead of the z1234567...
  9. skyhawkmatthew

    What are you currently Reading?

    I finally got around to starting the Steve Jobs biography (hardcover). In between that, I'm reading some assorted Agatha Christie on my Kindle.
  10. skyhawkmatthew

    New Rig

    SSDs are expensive, but 100% worth it. I installed one in my laptop about a year ago; once you use an SSD you won't go back to magnetic media.
  11. skyhawkmatthew

    Changing lane when exiting a round-a-bout

    A roundabout is the same as any other road. You can change lanes wherever you want as long as those (longer or otherwise) broken lines exist (in NSW, at least) - there is a Road Rule relating to indicating when changing lanes in a roundabout, thus is is evidently legal to change lanes:
  12. skyhawkmatthew

    ELISE? Just searched for 'elise' in myUNSW. The quiz itself doesn't seem to exist in Blackboard.
  13. skyhawkmatthew

    What TV shows can you absolutely not miss?

    No particular order: Spooks Life On Mars Ashes to Ashes (sadly all three of these have now finished) Hustle Top Gear Doctor Who (2005) Suits Ice Pilots NWT I have all of each of the above in my iTunes, except Ice Pilots (the torrents' quality is far too shit to bother keeping).
  14. skyhawkmatthew

    unsw zmail

    1. Open Settings > Mail, contacts, calendars and hit 'Add Account', then Exchange. 2. Fill in both the email address AND username field with your address in the format: 3. Your password is NOT your zpass. Go to and enter your zpass...
  15. skyhawkmatthew

    Driving test and ATAR

    Two highest ATARs at my school are both still on their Ls...
  16. skyhawkmatthew

    unsw zmail

    Spent a couple of hours playing with it this morning, finally got zMail working properly on my Mac and iPhone/iPad. Does anyone know if there's a way to have the sent-from address be your instead of
  17. skyhawkmatthew

    Semester 1 2012 Timetables!

    Hello, lunch breaks!
  18. skyhawkmatthew

    UNSW Roll Call 2012

    B Aviation (Flying)
  19. skyhawkmatthew

    Top 'speed' done and where?

    ~300 km/h 1500 feet Beechcraft Bonanza ;)