Cardio and weights together help burn fat quicker.
Not heavy weights but whatever is comfortable for you. 20min weights, 40 min cardio is a good mix.
Most important of all is your diet. Carbs,Sodium, Glucose, Fat etc... all need to be controlled.
Just out of curiosity what kind of atar do you need to enter and once doing the course is it possible to transfer to combined Bhealth Science/M physiotherapy.
Hey there.
I recently got my results back form the STAT i sat and my OVERALL was 147 40th %.
What i wanted to know is,
A) Can i sit the STAT again at the end of the year?
B) If so would that cancel out the score from my most recent test or would i have the option of using the best...
I am wanting to do the Bachelor of Health Science/ Master of Physiotherapy combined degree at UWS in 2011, and was wondering what kind of score i would need to average on the stat test to give me a realistic chance of entry.
Anybody here entered with the stat test?
UAI not competitive...