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  1. C

    Help with probability questuions!!!!!!!!!!!

    Q1 A hen lays N eggs, where N has the Poisson distribution with parameter . Each egg hatches with probability p independently of the other eggs. Let K be the number of chicks. What is the conditional expectation of the initial number N of eggs, given that we observe k chicks? What is Var(N/K =...
  2. C

    Need Help for FINS2624 quiz!!!!!!

    thank you very much for the help!
  3. C

    Need Help for FINS2624 quiz!!!!!!

    1. Of the assumptions below, the most likely to hold in practice is: a.Constant interest rates b.Complete markets c.Zero transaction costs d.No default risk e.Arbitrage-free prices 2. Suppose you are faced with the following interest rates: r1 = 9% r2 = 10% r3 = 11% Now...
  4. C

    MATH2901 exam final summary notes

    if that topic is a big one, it's pretty normal as there will be lots of concepts and formulas.... I was told there will be MLE estimation related stuff, is it fishy that those stuff contribute a lot to the summary?
  5. C

    MATH2901 exam final summary notes

    anything fishy? like what?
  6. C

    MATH2901 exam final summary notes

    <h2 class="title icon" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 10px 10px 5px 0px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: rgb(200, 200, 200); ">What are we allowed to put on the summary notes? Terms/concepts and formulas? Anything else?</h2>
  7. C

    MATH2901 exam final summary notes

    What are we allowed to put on the summary notes? Terms/concepts and formulas? Anything else?
  8. C

    FINS1613 QUIZ 3 grade!!!!

    oh gosh, quiz 3 grade is not available yet!!!
  9. C

    FINS1613 QUIZ 3 grade!!!!

    Total CP (/10) 27-Oct-2011 22:58 27-Oct-2011 22:58 10 0 what does CP mean?
  10. C

    FINS1613 QUIZ 3 grade!!!!

    is that an indicator of hard final this sem?
  11. C

    FINS1613 QUIZ 3 grade!!!!

    Thank you so much! but have you got answer for 2009?
  12. C

    FINS1613 QUIZ 3 grade!!!!

    really???? where to find???
  13. C

    FINS1613 QUIZ 3 grade!!!!

    no idea about final.... just got 2006 final paper but no answer.....
  14. C

    FINS1613 QUIZ 3 grade!!!!

    just wonder when it will be available......Is there a delay due to anything?
  15. C

    Is Finc2192 compulsory for finc 3 honours subjects

    Re: Is Finc2thanks192 compulsory for finc 3 honours subjects thanks,appreciate it
  16. C

    Is Finc2192 compulsory for finc 3 honours subjects

    Hi all Do I have to take finc2192 in order to get into finance 3 honours subjects? Thanks guys