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  1. B

    Post your CSSA MARKS HERE!

    That's good. Yeah I knew that. I've ranked first in all of my subjects except english, so if I get first in the hsc exams then í should still be able to get a high atar without the averages pulling me down too much?
  2. B

    Post your CSSA MARKS HERE!

    The ranking doesn't affect individual atars does it?
  3. B

    Post your CSSA MARKS HERE!

    Thanks. Ranked 282, go to a rural public school.
  4. B

    Post your CSSA MARKS HERE!

    How do I found that out?
  5. B

    Post your CSSA MARKS HERE!

    I got 84 which was the top mark in my school. Next mark was 66 then 52, everyone else in the class failed
  6. B

    CSSA chemistry

    Has everyone who did the CSSA paper got their marks back?
  7. B

    all nighters

    OMG how could you not know blair waldorf
  8. B

    CSSA Chemistry

    excuse me i rule MX1
  9. B

    what jobs does actuarial studies lead me to in commerce UNSW?

    @Hermes1 That sounds like a smart idea. I also desire looking for a career as an actuary but being such a highly specialised area it seems hard to break in to. My uncle did a bachelor of commerce and it has taken him around the world, now he works for computer anti-virus companies. Doing a...
  10. B

    Yes i am sooo keen! Qld week, only 17 so that way there'll be plenty of under-agers. You?

    Yes i am sooo keen! Qld week, only 17 so that way there'll be plenty of under-agers. You?
  11. B

    Is it risky to do Extention 2 Maths

    And i love extension 2 math. Its a lot of work but i understand it all, you've got to weigh up how much it will effect your other subjects. If you're putting in a lot of effort and not going that well then you may as well not do it and put more effort into your other subjects to get a better ATAR
  12. B

    Is it risky to do Extention 2 Maths

    Aindan! we are doing the exact same subjects
  13. B

    Surfers Paradise 2011
