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  1. V

    Which ATAR calculator's proved to be more reliable ?

    A lot of them are more accurate with a higher ATAR (i.e. >95). My prediction didn't change much. I got 96 (?) I think but ended up with 97.65. Some of my mates who were predicted with 70s and 80s all got 85+. I'm talking about using trial marks though... So there is an influence of hard work...
  2. V

    Is E4 still possible for maths extension 2?

    Our class got an average of 70% (There're only 4 people total) for all assessments in 4u (I got around 75 I think) and I got e4.
  3. V

    Which ATAR calculator's proved to be more reliable ?

    Back in my HSC I used all of them and took the lowest ATAR as a guide... haha
  4. V

    school rank + atar

    I believe it's mainly in doing with how well your cohort performed in the internal and external exams. The rank gets recalculated for each year I think my school was ranked at 66 during 2012 and dropped to over 100 or 200 in 2014. Better-ranked school generally have better teachers/ students/...
  5. V

    Is it possible to have no band 6 in a subject?

    Quick question, Being a tutor, one of my student recently asked how the bands in HSC are determined... So I told him to do his best and not think too much of it since he can't really influence it. I understand that your marks get scaled and any marks above 90 get a band 6. Would it be...
  6. V

    High School tutor/ HSC tutoring 1 to 1 or group !

    Hey guys, I'm a currently a Usyd student studying B Commerce/ B. Engineering (Civil). I did 4 U, 3U math, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Eng. Adv in the HSC (2012). I can't remember the marks of the top of my head but they are all above 90 (so band 6s) except for Biology and English. I'm...
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    Offer Letter for Domestic Student

    By Text do you mean an email telling you how to enroll and stuff??
  8. V

    Offer Letter for Domestic Student

    Hi Everyone, Does the University of Sydney send out offer letter to students? or the UAC offer letter is all that we get.