shut the heck up you dewwes, the gerens are the future of our society. Hpmesexual marrogae s not hte main issue of hte grrens, it is just a flow on polic.y Enviromental conciuncus ad climate change are the main aims.
Shut the fukc up manp, 3 unit is not fo dumb people. 3 unit is a challenge for most peopl. If you find 3 unit hsc math easy then yiou are jsut natually fgted,
Treat SC and HSC as full time job in addition to school. I.e. 8 hour day (not including a 'lunch break') shift AFTER school is over. 8 hour study a day + school will get very, very high SC and HSC mark. Parents very happy. Thanksyou.
Weird dream earlier today/last night.
- Young Liberals party in some club
- Jewellery catalogues with pictures of rings in them on the floor
- I am lying on the floor with a girl and try to kiss her, she pulls away
- She then starts asking questions and we move closer
- Question 1 is about life...