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  1. T

    ATAR Estimate for a friend

    He said he's hoping to get high english results with two stories rated at 13-15/15 and that he's fine tuning his essay's now. High results in IPT, Software and Maths are going to be easy and his hardest subject, which is what he is finding most difficult is Engineering. What would his results...
  2. T

    ATAR Estimate for a friend

    School Ranking: Usually around ~140 English Standard: 46/100 (55% Trial) Gen. Maths: 19/90 (60% Trial) Software: 4/14 (65% Trial 1/14) IPT: 6/17 (65% Trial 1/17) Engineering Studies: 9/13 (55% Trial) All my Trial marks were terrible and I have improved and will get around 60-70 for the HSC...