Nah lol seriously you must be joking !
MAB is Sah boring! Especially all the crap about the kidneys, carbon stuff..I don't even noe what I'm talking about, that's how much I hate it. I also hate some of the stuff in SFABH but at least it's bearable. Biotech seems interesting, but communication...
I'm dreading bio... Maintaining a balance is hard and communications is a pain... I'm hoping the paper will be based around the second and third chapters!
No don't get me wrong I'm not dissing him, he is very competitive, though not as competitive in exams. And, I didn't stuff up in any assessments he just beat me by merely 3 marks in one assessment but the % worth of the assessment was higher thus allowing him to overtake me. Thank you for your...
Could be a high band 5 considering it was a very easy exam this year ( atleast that's what everyone is saying on Bos forums) . So maybe a raw 87 or even higher for a band 6 ... Idk what I'm talking about :L
The reason is because I think I'll probs perform better in my externals as compared to the kid who's coming first now and that's because I beat in the trials, half yearlys and one other assessment... He beat me in one assessment and took over my ranking! Plus, he doesn't do as well in his exams...
Is it possible to get a state rank if I'm ranked second for a subject (yet the person who came first performs poorly) ? Or... If I achieve a state rank mark does that just simply go to the person who's coming first ?
Thank you (:
And... I've realised that in a lot of the past papers they continuously referred to yr 11 stuff ( like skills management and change ) so are you guys going over that stuff too?
And.... I don't know if it's just my textbook but there's literally nothing on 'change' other than resistance to...
Last years paper had marketing as one option and finance as other. So H.R and operations are likely, which is alright, anything but finance ugh Sah boring -.-
Lol guys.. You won't believe what happened today! I've been studying business studies for the past couple of days thinking that it was tomorrow instead of Eco.. Just found out that it was actually Eco and not biz lol stupidity at its finest :L I better get back to my studies, I think I've...
Well guys.. Today is the day :$ I hope yous are all prepared and that you guys do exceptionally well :D I'm going to do some last minute studying and head of to school, tc y'all :)