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  1. M


    Third year! Actuarial also has a very heavy emphasis on uncertainty, in the sense that any solution you provide is usually some kind of prediction. As such, you learn a lot about how confident your prediction can be. E.g. instead of an aerospace engineer telling you how far a rocket can travel...
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    Statistics, probability, calculus and financial maths It's hard in the sense that you don't really cover any of it in high school Probably harder than 4u, but I wouldn't say by a big amount, the content just comes in a lot quicker and you have less support than high school
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    Question about the maths involved in Actuarial Studies

    Third year actl student here! If I were you I would seriously question whether actuarial studies is right for you... Not necessarily due to the difficulty of the math (which of course is very high, people who get good marks in 4u may still struggle in first year math), but also because of the...
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    UNSW 2015 Sem 1 Results Thread

    ACTL2131 - 86 ACTL2111 - 94 FINS1612 - 88 ECON2101 - 93 PRO TIP: take microeconomics 2 if you know basic calculus. Barely studied, and left with an hour to spare in the finals :P
  5. M

    Advices for studying uni level maths thank you :)

    Actl/Econ actually, pm me your email for the lecture notes :) Also dw about maths used in economics, it's nothing compared to what you have to to in actl lol
  6. M

    Advices for studying uni level maths thank you :)

    ah ok, i can help you there then. Maths is split up into calculus and algebra. for algebra, you might want to have a little look at matrices and vectors, and how you can apply them to linear systems. It's a new topic but probs won't be too hard to learn by yourself as it has familiar roots...
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    Advices for studying uni level maths thank you :)

    which uni?
  8. M

    enrolling B.actuarial/B.commerce. which courses?

    hmmm, i'm not sure when you can find out who takes which lectures, you'll have to try and find it yourself, or ask your friends who they have when uni starts. Just make sure he is your lecturer!!!
  9. M

    enrolling B.actuarial/B.commerce. which courses?

    you won't be disadvantaged, but i reckon those who did hsc eco would have an advantage. I did it and I got higher marks than my other friends who didn't do hsc eco while doing less work. Also do yourself a favour and go to Alberto Motta's lectures :)
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    enrolling B.actuarial/B.commerce. which courses?

    The census date is a couple weeks after uni starts, I think 31st March next year. My understanding is that if you drop out of any course before the census date (also includes dropping out of uni altogether) then the government won't charge that course on your HECS. But after the census date, the...
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    enrolling B.actuarial/B.commerce. which courses?

    yeah, you can change any course before the census date and not have to pay for it
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    enrolling B.actuarial/B.commerce. which courses?

    Hahaha I've just seen on some forum here that you demolished your hsc :P But no, we don't know each other as I've never met anyone who's achieved your atar
  13. M

    enrolling B.actuarial/B.commerce. which courses?

    Lol I'm planning to put it off as long as possible
  14. M

    enrolling B.actuarial/B.commerce. which courses?

    Yeah you're right it's a compulsory, but it's not a pre-requisite for other stuff. In other words, you don't restrict your options by avoiding mgmt1001. tbh I've heard it's a really easy course in terms of content, but it's still difficult to achieve a good mark. MGMT1001 is a course that...
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    enrolling B.actuarial/B.commerce. which courses?

    Well you have to do MATH1151, a lot of people do ECON1101 and ACCT1501 too. I recommend FINS1613 as well cos it introduces some important concepts and makes other courses easier. Just don't do MGMT1001 unless you want a shitty mark.
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    Past Papers?

    awesome, thanks guys! I'll look in these places and see what i can get
  17. M

    Past Papers?

    Hi guys, Is there anywhere specific I could look to find some past papers?
  18. M

    Are Excel hsc books good to study?

    I used excel for physics and I thought it covered the content nicely. Each syllabus dot point is covered in an orderly, thorough way. Our school textbook was jacaranda and I found the syllabus points were not clearly set out and much harder to find than excel. I didn't really do the questions...
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    First Year Actuarial Studies Roll Call

    Actuarial/Economics !!!
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    O week - Faculty Welcome

    Awesome, thanks guys!