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  1. V

    WRT Trials 2012 Solutions

    Does anyone have, or have access to the WRT solutions for the 2012 trial? I have the paper, but no answers :( Can you please post them if you have them. Thanks sooo much :)
  2. V

    Help with Great Gatsby!

    Hi Guys, Can you please help me out with the FORM of great gatsby. How is the form effective? How does it contribute to the values of the context? Why is it important? What can I say about it? What is the most important aspect of the form? Why does it matter...... etc I have a feeling that...
  3. V

    Last Question of Belonging Section 1

    How long should I spend on the last 5 marker question in Comprehension? (Out of the 40 mins I have) And how do I get full marks for this question? Thanks :)