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  1. C

    ANTH106 Drugs Across Cultures

    a bit of a late reply, but I've heard good things about it and I'm taking it this semester the Friday lectures welcome students to dress up as something drug-related if that helps? :lol:
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    PSY248 classes

    hey guys, has anyone done psy248? The unit guide doesn't mention whether the classes need to be attended, or whether students are required a minimum of 80% attendance if anyone knows then that would be great! The lecturer is a bit of a crank and is less than helpful :\
  3. C

    Can you recieve multiple course offers at the same time during main round offers?

    Re: Does Umacq,UNSW or USYD any of them require you to sign in, in person??? For Macquarie you accept your offer online, but you have to go to the uni to enrol into your course UWS everything is online
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    Bachelor of Arts with a major in Psychological Science

    Hi there (: I'm currently studying B Arts with the Psych major and I'm planning to transfer into the B Arts-Psychology course next year From what I know, their structure for the Psychology courses have changed quite a lot, and basically in order to do any Postgrad in Psychology at Macquarie, you...
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    Bonus points

    as shadowdude mentioned, it's automatic. Unless you're talking about educational access schemes (for students who experienced long-term disadvantages during highschool). Otherwise, it's basically automatic. Doesn't your schools tell you anything these days?
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    what do you think of macquarie university?

    I'm currently studying psychology at Macquarie, and yes so far it is good. But as CaffeineMotor pointed out, I reckon that the course content would be basically/roughly the same at most uni's really. The only con about wanting to study psych at usyd would be having to do another major alongside...
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    difficulty of maths required for commerce foundation units

    thanks for the help & input guys!
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    difficulty of maths required for commerce foundation units

    also, if I decided to major or minor in economics, would the maths still be manageable without taking extra math units?
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    difficulty of maths required for commerce foundation units

    thanks! the handbook suggested taking MATH123 but then I would be overloading & wouldn't really need it for further studies anyway
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    difficulty of maths required for commerce foundation units

    Hi guys, I was wondering what the maths is like for ACST101, ECON111 and the two accounting units? I'm studying B Arts atm, however I'm thinking of transferring next year into either B arts & commerce or the new B Commerce with B Arts-Psychology I didn't study maths for my HSC , but I want to...
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    commercial law major combination

    Hi guys I was wondering if a major in commercial law and psychological science would be odd or not? I'm planning to transfer to macq and do either a B Arts with double majors or B Arts/B Science but I'm not sure if the two majors work/if something else would better compliment it I'm studying...
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    ahh thank you! I feel really relieved now haha :) also how often does the shuttle bus run between campuses?
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    do most lectures finish about 5 minutes early so that students have enough time to get to the next class? do they also start abit later to allow students to get settled? because I know that another uni has their lectures starting 5mins in and finish about 5 minutes earlier and was wondering if...