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  1. lani22

    2013 UTS Rollcall

    Communications (Public Communication) and International Studies at the city campus ^_^
  2. lani22

    Post Your 2013 University Offers Here

    Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Public Communication)/Bachelor of Arts in International Studies at UTS :cool:
  3. lani22

    Share your 2012 ATAR here

    ahhhhh 94.45 so happy!! The calculators said around 92
  4. lani22

    Share your 2012 HSC results here

    Ancient- 93 modern- 91 eng adv- 87 geog- 87 sor i- 46 general maths- 84 hist. ext- 39 did better than expected in english thank god but modern, geography and extension were disappointing :/ calculators say around 92 tho
  5. lani22

    Does anyone feel like they're getting lazier towards the end of their hsc?

    yep last week was a major drain i ceebs for religion ugh
  6. lani22

    Extended Responses

    my teacher loved giving us responses on traditional/contemporary management so i had heaps of practise yay and i was so happy that we got megacities! those topics were two of my strongest so that was nice
  7. lani22

    Most Common & Random Forms of Procrastination (2012)

    tumblr jfc and also, i tend to take a lot of showers..
  8. lani22

    Official: 2012 Modern History HSC Exam predictions thread

    Yeah i was thinking something like this or "to what extent did the great depression lead to hitler's accession to power?" something like that
  9. lani22

    Official: 2012 Modern History HSC Exam predictions thread

    Germany: (a) Assess the role of the German Army in the Weimar Republic between 1918 and 1933 (b) To what extent was the use of propaganda and terror essential for Nazi control of German society by 1939? Conflict in Europe: (a) The policy of appeasement was responsible for the outbreak of World...
  10. lani22

    Section I - Cities of Vesuvius – Pompeii and Herculaneum

    I did water for the tower thing and flour for the round thingies the ten marker was good, the slaves question was probably the worst part :/
  11. lani22

    General Thoughts: Ancient History

    I thought it was good! Cities of Vesuvius is usually my worst, but I feel confident this time. And the rest was all good - my friend and I predicted the Julio Claudian questions just before we went in. Except the one question for New Kingdom Egypt about construction and building kinda screwed...
  12. lani22

    Talking to yourself during exams

    well usually when i study or do homework i talk to myself without realising and i realised in maths yesterday i was muttering to myself haha
  13. lani22

    Did the first exam feel a little surreal to anyone?

    yeah exactly and i thought i'd be more stressed like i was for trials but i was pretty chill which was surprising
  14. lani22

    Section 2 - Creative Writing

    i used the fifth one but i don't think i used it as a central concept well enough...
  15. lani22

    Who else is shitting bricks?

    god please no i only know three in depth...
  16. lani22


    My teachers said you didn't have to. They said a lot of people threw in readings in trials and they were only a detriment because they weren't discussed well enough or used effectively.
  17. lani22

    What HSC marks are you aiming for?

    lets see- English Adv: 82 Ancient and Modern: 92 Religion: 46 History Extension: 43 Geography: 88
  18. lani22


    my friend's sister did it as her additional for belonging and my friend was going to do it as well. Our teacher said it was fine.
  19. lani22

    That ONE amazing feeling after finishing

    i'll probably sell my notes to some year 11's, and make some money. Especially after slaving over my modern notes for what felt like an eternity.. then maybe i'll ceremoniously burn my class notes or something haha