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    Preparing for Macquarie interview?

    Hi, I was recently selected for an interview for the new Bachelor of Business Leadership and Commerce degree and I was hoping someone would be able to give me some tips on preparing for the interview (potential questions etc). Would like to be as prepared as possible! Thank you :)
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    Legal studies

    Yeah, it was actually due earlier today but because my legal class is useless the teacher said people can submit it tonight :L.
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    Legal studies

    haha My legal studies class has an essay due tonight on this topic (coincidence?). I would check out the anti-discrimination act also, as well as the Australian Human Rights Commission website (hreoc) it has a bunch of information about gender equality etc.
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    English Questions.

    Not sure abut the first question but I wouldn't use your own name in a short story simply because the marker may think you lack creativity.