Who Tutoring for students in years 7-12
Where Near Homebush Area
What Teaching all stages of Mathematics up to Extension 1 HSC Mathematics and all students from years 7 to 12
Pricing $30
Qualifications 97% in Extension 1 Mathematics and 93% in Extension 2 Mathematics
For further...
I probably lost one mark in my Q2Q long-response because I suck at long-response "structuring" and one in MCQ, and probs a silly error in section 1b, so how much would ~96 be? :/
Didn't Chadwick discover the neutron and Fermi the conversion of mass on to energy by applying conservation of mass-energy (E=mc^2) in a nuclear fission reaction?
First of all, you don't need to calculate efficiency. You calculate their respective power losses and hence determine an ideal set up, set up B involves half the power losses of set up C (C involves power losses in the form of power requirements in providing temperatures below the critical...