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  1. S

    Atar estimate please?

    I'am pretty sure its gonna be at least... A: 92-94 B: 96-98
  2. S

    ATAR ESTIMATE please! :)

    If you could estimate it for those ranks, it'd be much appreciated.
  3. S

    ATAR ESTIMATE please! :)

    Hey guys! Thanks FR the help, but I've recently finished my trials and my overall ranks for each subject have been finalised. Here are my ranks... Advanced English - 25/60 Chemistry - 7/60 Physics - 4/60 Maths ext 1 - 1/55 Maths ext 2 - 4/20
  4. S

    Atar estimate please

    Thanks for the reply! If anyone else would like to help estimate, please do so. The greater number of estimates would be more reliable thanks!!
  5. S

    Atar estimate please

    Hey my goal atar is at least 97...My school rank is 75~ Here are my ranks... Advanced english - 27/60 Chemistry - 8/55 Physics - 4/62 Maths Ext 1 - 1/60 Maths Ext 2 - 4/22 Thanks heaps guys..
  6. S

    ATAR ESTIMATE please! :)

    Hey guys thanks heaps! But Iam still confused because some of you say if get 95-96 and some day if get 97-98 Which one would it be? It makes quite a big difference to me. Thanks again!!
  7. S

    ATAR ESTIMATE please! :)

    Our cohort is apparently stronger than last years who got our rank into 75, So we will probably get it into 60s And what will it be if I get rank 6 is physics and 25 in English.
  8. S

    ATAR ESTIMATE please! :)

    Hey guys I'd like an atar estimate, my school rank is 75. Physics 7/58 Chemistry 9/60 Advanced English 27/60 Mathematics ext 1 - 1/55 Mathematics ext 2 - 7/20 Thank you!