Hey guys,
Pretty much my question here is that if I do maths foundations for semester 1 instead of maths mod 1 (and do maths mod 1 in semester 2), will I have to do maths mod 2 next year semester 1 or in this years summer holidays ? reason for the question is because I will be overseas from...
okay so i figured out my school marks properly ! sorry about the last post !
but could someone please give me an estimate :) thanks !
btw hsc estimation = how i thought i went
69/198 adv english - School RAW mark = 86, HSC estimation = 85
46/255 gen maths - School RAW mark - 75 HSC...
Hey guys, pretty much received my final school ranks today. Yeah not impressed either lol
Not trying to point any fingers, but I did have a family member pass away throughout half yearlies which effected me throughout trials as well, so what can be done about this ? (sorry I'm new to all this)...