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  1. H

    Raw Mark

    +1 :(
  2. H

    Section 1, Part A - Multiple Choice

    I got that too...Don't worry you're not alone :(
  3. H

    Section 1, Part A - Multiple Choice

    I did so bad. Multiple Choice has screwed me over. Hate when you circle the correct answer then cross it out, all in the last 15 minutes. Everything else was fine though. Still hoping for 85/100 :(
  4. H

    What HSC marks are you aiming for?

    English Adv - 90 English Extension 1 - 40 Mathematics - 85 Biology - 85 Ancient History - 90 History Extension - 48 Need 95 ATAR :mad:
  5. H

    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2

    To my surprise, the paper wasn't that hard at all. I managed my time well which I can't say I did for the first paper... Mod A Frankenstein/Blade Runner and Mod C History and Memory was straightforward in what they were asking. As for Hamlet, it was a bit confusing but I think I came out of it...