lol at this cunt^
all his threads are like
zomgosh ppls im so screwed for mx2 i dont know anything
im gonna do med
state rank every subject
help me for maths
now its 100?
pree beast.
just sent this guy my belonging and my mod a essay
he replied back saying the following:
" hahahaha sucked in loser,thanks for ur essays, im not marking shit XD
Hope u dont mind hahahaha
btw ur mod A is really good, showed my tutor and he reckons its a 19/20 for sure"
i hate this guy...
plagiarising is taken very seriously, possibly a 0 awarded.
but memorising a definition isn't plagiarising?
it's a definition lol
can u memorise the meaning of destroy and get penalised for plagiarising from the oxford dictionary?
it doesn't matter at all
it could be in the conical flask or the burette
though most schools tend to have the primary standard in the conical flask along with a few drops of the suitable indicator
nah i wasn't talkin in terms of the mardi gras incident, just in general on your views towards violence/self defence.
but fair enough it's that's what u would do, all good.
but the two are intertwined
u r retaliating out of self defence
can be stopped?
so dude is kicking at your face
u gonna try stop that and that's it, all goods
walk along and enjoy ur night?