Hay guys, its Dildo here.
This chick's a fukking psycho slut, bro. Gtfo of the relationship, se's probs knocked up from being a cum-guzzla and trying to put the kids on you. Get out now, or you'll end up a houso
Penrith High is da greatest school, everywhere else is filled with sackasses. James Ruse is a skidmark of HSC n00bs who all suck off farm animals in agriculture. We alos have cum guzzling sluts. Eshays kezz come to da r1ff, 2450 represent, shank ya
no chance, m8. Suhen is gonna 1v1 you, start praying mate. You'll be lucky if you lift your arms up to write, you are the bigest shitcunt alive you don't deserve to lick the leftovers after I take a piss, you ballsack of a sackass
I was coming bottom ten in all of my subjects - SAC, CAFS, senior geography, general maths and ESL, but I managed to get an ATAR of 43.65. I am currently a Certificate I in Janitorial Studies at Blacktown TAFE. I am a success, follow in my footsteps and you'll be fine ;D