Modern history exam mark= 81. Ranking = 2
Ancient history exam mark = 84. Ranking = 1
Extension history exam mark = 40/50. Ranking = 1
Studies of religion exam mark = 41/50. Ranking = 5
Visual art exam mark = 82 ranking = 1
English adv exam mark = 77 ranking = 15
What will I get...
Modern history exam mark= 81. Ranking = 2
Ancient history exam mark = 84. Ranking = 1
Extension history exam mark = 40/50. Ranking = 1
Studies of religion exam mark = 41/50. Ranking = 5
Visual art exam mark = 82 ranking = 1
English adv exam mark = 77 ranking = 15
What will I get...
Modern history exam mark= 81. Ranking = 2
Ancient history exam mark = 84. Ranking = 1
Extension history exam mark = 40/50. Ranking = 1
Studies of religion exam mark = 41/50. Ranking = 5
Visual art exam mark = 82 ranking = 1
English adv exam mark = 77 ranking = 15
What will I get!?
I think I did okay in my exams.. I got misadventure for all my histories, because I was involved in the western Sydney fires.
What I'm worried about is that my ranks are only high because the students in my classes aren't that smart. Will this bring me down?
I'm ranked
1/10 ancient history
1/7 extension history
2/12 modern history
1/12 visual arts
5/32 studies of religion
17/32 advanced English
What do you think I will get?? My school is a good school, St. Paul's grammar but we just have a small HSC