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  1. R

    atar estimate pls

    school rank 200 physics 11/21 chem 10/17 maths 2u 25/31 standard eng 88/125 (3 mark difference between rank 88 and rank 48) business 25/60
  2. R

    Met someone that i have feelings for, need help to decide what to do

    So guys and girls. I fell in love over the past week. I met someone online in my league of legends game. The way that they got the penta kill made me go crazy. I added them on league and we got talking, they live 4 minutes away from me. We exchanged pictures and they look very beautiful...
  3. R

    Always go to sleep after school for around 1-2 hours

    Hey guys, recently ive been getting into a really bad habit, after school, around 5-6 i start feeling tired, idk why i dont play sport or anything, but it takes up so much of my time that i really cant afford to waste. Any1 know why im feeling so tired? I sleep for >8 hours most days i dont...
  4. R

    Need essay marking please!

    Hey guys i need esssay marking, if you are willing to mark essays just to give me some feedback just post here and i will private message you the essay. Thankyou very much
  5. R

    Study plan

    Hello, i was just wondering how much i should be studying every day, and what to do in my spare time, i want to paly games but if i do i get distracted and play them when i should be studying after