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  1. E

    Cadetships 2017

    Calm down mate. You're giving off a very negative vibe, and I know for a fact EY HR browse these forums.
  2. E

    Cadetships 2017

    For last years intake, that was the exact figure. They opened up quant for tax this year, so things might change.
  3. E

    Cadetships 2017

    They told wrong. Around 20 for assurance and 5 for tax.
  4. E

    Wealth Management ---> IB/MC/TAS

    Macquarie Capital is their investment banking arm. AM is less competitive.
  5. E

    Wealth Management ---> IB/MC/TAS

    It's what you make of it. Being buried in a textbook doesn't make you a more appealing candidate during the recruitment process unless you are well rounded and presentable. Obviously the larger the firm the better, but any cadetship can give you that edge when telling your story.
  6. E

    Wealth Management ---> IB/MC/TAS

    Any cadetship is far better than being a full time student
  7. E

    Cadetships 2017

    Incorrect. EY takes less than that, and UBS takes more (equities, operations, AM etc).
  8. E

    Is there truly any point studying finance as a major?

    Just take acct/fin in uni
  9. E

    Is there truly any point studying finance as a major?

    Accounting is the language of finance. You can get up to scratch from in house training, but its better to have a more solid foundation. Of course finance as a major is relevant for working in finance. Also I'd say that moving from investment banking to HF auditing is strange.
  10. E

    Degree advice

    Be careful mate, he might have grounds to infract you.
  11. E

    Degree advice

    Good to know that this issue is so deeply hurtful to you that you have to go through my past posts.
  12. E

    Degree advice

    Do whatever pleases you, I won't lose sleep.
  13. E

    Degree advice

    Lmao calm down there pals, I'm completely joking
  14. E

    Degree advice

    Clearly you've had no background in recruiting. I can also tell you they would much rather hire from UWA and UQ than UTS.
  15. E

    Degree advice

    How many people do IBs and MBB hire from Macquarie and UTS? Obviously there are exceptions, but stats don't lie
  16. E

    Degree advice

    UTS and MQ are viewed on the same level? The prestige of Usyd and UMelb are unmatched
  17. E

    Cadetships 2016

    Yes, but not at UBS.
  18. E

    Cadetships 2016

    Yes, your email should tell you your division. There are interviews happening simultaneously.
  19. E

    Cadetships 2016

    Two 30 minute interviews, group interview if you make it through to the next round.
  20. E

    Cadetships 2016

    Does anyone know when new EY cadets start work? Tax in particular. Thanks