Search results

  1. M

    Final ranks! Atar estimate please

    School rank: 180~ English Standard: 13/109 Bio: 13/35 Business Studies: 25/82 Math 2u: 52/77 Physics 22/27
  2. M

    An update of my ranks! Atar Estimate please!

    School rank: 180~ English Standard: 16/108 Mathematic: 48/81 Biology 17/32 Physics: 19/28 Business Studies: 24/82 Thank you!!
  3. M

    Internal Assessment Mark Spread

    Hi guys is the spread of the internal assessment mark important? In my case im ranked 16th and the person ranked 15th is beating me by 0.3%, does that mean 16th highest external mark will be their internal e.g 82, and 15th highest external will be mine e.g 75. And if thats so, isn't that unfair...
  4. M

    Atar Estimate Please

    School rank: 180ish Standard English: 23/110 Math 2u: 45/82 Business Studies:24/81 Biology: 16/35 Physics: 19/28 Possible over 80 atar??
  5. M

    Atar Estimate Please

    Hi Guys!! My current school rank is 180ish Subjects rankings: English Standard: 9/110 Mathematics 2u: 46/80 Bio:16/32 Physics: 18/28 Business Studies: 30/87 If I do really well in my external exams like 82 raw for everything would I still be able to get over 90 atar with these...
  6. M

    Atar Estimate Please! And some questions!!

    Hi Guys!! My current school rank is 180ish Subjects rankings: English Standard: 9/110 Mathematics 2u: 46/80 Bio:16/32 Physics: 18/28 Business Studies: 30/87 If I do really well in my external exams like 82 raw for everything would I still be able to get over 90 atar with these...
  7. M

    Selective school application needs some help

    Hi there, this year I got some competition results back!! Australian Math Comp: I got Distinction(top 7%) Big Science Competition- Pen and paper : I got Distinction in range of (5-10%) Australian Geography Competition: High Distinction range of (1-7%) Australian History Competition: High...
  8. M


    So today I got my marks back for 2u Maths 33%. Am I still able to get band 6?
  9. M

    Atar Estimation please!

    School rank: 220 Standard English: 7/100 Mathematics(2u) : 12/66 Biology: 6/36 Physics: 8/32 Business Studies: 10/87
  10. M

    Hurlstone entrance test 2014

    So apparently only 2 people were interviewed for year 8 - going to year 9. 1 got in and the another is unknown. Why is there so little people getting?