Hello! At my school we do this Mini PIP before the PIP. I've chosen the topic for this task to be Romance depictions in Popular culture and how it influences adolescents ideas about relationships. I'm hoping to do this topic for my PIP but with a little tweaking around the question of the topic...
Hello! I'm really new to this website but thought it would be a good idea to get some responses for my mini PIP questionnaire!
Thank you if you take the time to do it! Also, hope i'm using this website right hahaha
Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/5QSVDP9
I really do enjoy society and culture and it's really interesting, especially when you get past the methodologies work at the start (which is repetitive and boring). I just started my HSC year and it's good so far, just be aware of the PIP!