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  1. C

    Can I change timetable after enrolment?

    200 more COMP1917 lec slots will open up soon
  2. C

    Engineering/Commerce Question?

    Yes, because you would have finished MATH1141. Co-req basically means that you have to do the requisite course (MATH) at the same time or before PHYS
  3. C

    Post Your 2015 Sem 1 Timetable

    You need a clash approval and it is unlikely to be approved because you can avoid the clash. COMP1917's lecturer is different this semester (first time lecturng this course I think) but those online lectures could be a useful resource. Also note that SDES1001 is in a different campus.
  4. C

    Help, how do I choose my courses for comm/engineering @UNSW?

    Physics is not required for Software Engineering. What I've seen people do is COMP1917 MATH1131/41 ENGG1000 MATH1081 or use the free elective and do MATH1081/ENGG1000 during 2nd sem, which I personally don't recommend for Software Engineers.
  5. C

    Post Your 2015 Sem 1 Timetable

    Are you strong in Math? You might end up having 2 tests on a Wednesday. I had a 9am Math class, regretted choosing the earliest one because I came late mostly but I had an awesome tutor and met great friends. Every week on one of the days (usually Monday after COMP1917 in 1st sem), there's a...
  6. C

    1st year, 1st semester elective

    From what I've heard from a friend, do not do INFS unless you're really really interested in it.