Hey guys, got an offer for economics from UNSW and i rejected it before the due date as i decided its probably not a good idea. Thought about it long hard after and it was too late. So my question is, what are the chances of me receiving an offer again for economics in the late jan/feb rounds if...
Hey, how hard was it to find a job using the degree? I was planning to either stick with info sys or transfer to a bachelor in economics and major in accounting too. I aim to become a consultant/analyst in the future! But im really unsure on how to go about it :( Any tips? Thank you so much for...
Hey guys, i need help ASAP. What is better in terms of job prospects/salary/progression? A degree in economics or a degree in information systems. Im looking to get into big 4 so any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Hey guys so i do the following: Mathematics, Standard English, Economics, Chemistry, Physics. My internal assessments are not great at all. Theres still 55% to go for maths and the rest pretty much (Trials and HSC). Im coming towards the bottom in maths 25 below / 30, Physics: 6/14, Chemistry...
Hey mate, im in the same situation as you. I lost my motivation thanks to Maths and just gave up studying but now im starting to pick up. Its never too late. I do Chemistry, Phyiscs, Mathematics, Standard English and Economics. My ranks are towards the lower end for Maths and Economics but i...
Thankyou! Also do you think if i go well in the next task, trials and hsc i would be able to get 80+? I havent been doing the best in the past 2 tasks. I have been getting bad marks but my rank's havent been too bad in some subjects.
Any help on how to get a good ATAR guys? I got 2 more tasks to go including the trials for most subjects apart from physics where i only have the trials to go. If i go really good in the HSC and trials will i be able to get a good ATAR? Or is it too late? Im aiming for atleast 70+ to try do...
Re: Failing Mathematics 2 U.Should i drop to General Maths?Engeering w/out Mathematic
Thanks alot! Really helps, thats what i was thinking too as long as they wont force me to drop which hopefully wont happen.
Re: Failing Mathematics 2 U.Should i drop to General Maths?Engeering w/out Mathematic
Yes i was thinking bachelor of engineering with the degree of commerce :)
Re: Failing Mathematics 2 U.Should i drop to General Maths?Engeering w/out Mathematic
If they force me to drop, i would probably have to drop and pick up on general then do a bridging course if i get into that uni
Re: Failing Mathematics 2 U.Should i drop to General Maths?Engeering w/out Mathematic
GREAT! Thats the only thing i was really worried about, thank you so much mate, helped a lot!
Re: Failing Mathematics 2 U.Should i drop to General Maths?Engeering w/out Mathematic
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Ive been pretty much going through each chapter revision but those questions arent even close to the ones in the exam. That helps alot. Im only worried if ill be forced to drop now.