Search results

  1. S

    Exchange for Comm/Actl?

    if u missed the deadline for 2nd year S2 it'll be kinda hard to get an exchange to work around the comm/actl schedule, basically because comm/actl students all follow the same course progression (i.e. ACTL3141/3151 in 3rd year S1, 3162/3182 in 3rd year S2, etc.) and it's hard to match the actl...
  2. S

    Actl2111, Actl2131, Fins1613, Fins1612, Fins2624, Econ2206

    can confirm, did the same subject combination and ended up spending like 90% of the time on ACTL and 10% on FINS and ended up scoring basically the same in all four subjects fins2624 was definitely dumbed down a lot when i did it because they recycled so many questions, the 2 midterms were...
  3. S

    Actuarial 2018 Sem 1 Subjects

    I don't think i can accurately answer that because i'm actl/commerce (finance), not adv sci. But most people I know did the first SCIF course in their first semester (instead of FINS1613, which they delay to either second semester or second year) Maybe someone else can shed some light on it...
  4. S

    Actuarial 2018 Sem 1 Subjects

    here's my recommended WAM-maximisation strat for first year ACTLs: first year S1: ACCT1501/ECON1101/MATH1151/FINS1613 first year S2: ACCT1511/ACTL1101/MATH1251/ECON1102 ace ur first sem and apply for exchange, do MGMT1001 on exchange because it wont count to ur marks so u can avoid the WAM...
  5. S

    Actl2111, Actl2131, Fins1613, Fins1612, Fins2624, Econ2206

    did the ACTL courses in 2017S1 and i can confirm theyre some real stressful shit but maybe not as hard as people claim they are - did pretty well in both of them but i did have to work p hard for ACTL 2131 a lot of it really depends on ur mathematical ability but honestly the most important...
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    Official UNSW S1 2017 Results

    ======================================================== Session Course Title Result ======================================================== T1 ACTL2111 Financial Maths for Actuaries....93 HD T1 ACTL2131 Probability & Math Statistics....93 HD T1...
  7. S

    UNSW 16/S2 Official Results Thread

    ======================================================== Session Course Title Result ======================================================== T2 ACCT1511 Accounting & Financial Mgt 1B....86 HD T2 ACTL1101 Intro Actuarial Studies..........92 HD T2...
  8. S

    UNSW 2016S1 Results Thread

    ======================================================== Session Course Title Result ======================================================== T1 ACCT1501 Accounting & Financial Mgt 1A....95 HD T1 ECON1101 Microeconomics 1.................98 HD T1...
  9. S

    Thoughts on the MATH1151 exam

    where is 3.16 on the standard normal table????
  10. S

    Received raw marks - I think I might have found a problem?

    Received this: "The Board of Studies, Teaching & Educational Standards NSW (BOSTES) has advised UAC that your Higher School Certificate results have changed since your eligibility for an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) was first determined and an advice notice issued. Your ATAR has...
  11. S

    Received raw marks - I think I might have found a problem?

    Thanks for the help guys. I sent BOSTES an email last week like 4025808 said, and they told me that they'd look into my enquiry. Today they called me saying that there was an administrative error found with my marks; my raw marks for Q14(c) were 1/1, 1/1 and 1/2 (they didn't tell me what I did...
  12. S

    Received raw marks - I think I might have found a problem?

    I was considering just not bothering because I really don't want to pay out any more money for exam responses or anything..... do they refund it in the case they find an error?
  13. S

    Received raw marks - I think I might have found a problem?

    So directly after the 3u maths exam (i.e. when the answers I wrote were still fresh in my head), I checked with Carrotsticks' answers (and later the Terry Lee ones) and I was quite sure I had received full marks for that exam. My exam mark ended up being 97 so I requested a results check and raw...
  14. S

    General Thoughts: Physics

    heh I did this too to get the velocity of the electron as it reaches anode... pretty sure I got the correct answer but just praying that they don't deduct marks since i literally forgot about using projectile motion formulas
  15. S

    Maths Extension 2 thoughts

    try getting an expression for a.P(a), bP(b) and yP(y) and add them up (because aP(a) = a*0 = 0)
  16. S

    Maths Extension 2 thoughts

    was 3600 i think
  17. S

    Maths Extension 2 thoughts

    idk what ur on about but this is what i meant (soz i just explain things badly lol) e.g. you can expand the second term in the part (ii) expression and you get -(2nC2) x^(2n-2+2) or some shit so the leading coefficient isn't 1, but rather some disgustingly huge expression
  18. S

    Maths Extension 2 thoughts

    but you have to divide it by the x^2n coefficient to do product of roots (like, -b/a, c/a, -d/a, etc. - need to divide by the a). And its coefficient was some huge messy shit (it looks like the expression in part iv)
  19. S

    Maths Extension 2 thoughts

    thank the lord for no circle geo!! Any of you guys manage to get the lim(n->infin) P_n thing in q16?? was the only question I couldn't figure out how to get
  20. S

    multi choices

    yeah I put down 0% too