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  1. P

    Spare spot for Medentry group discount

    Hey guys, Can you PM me if you have a spot left/ need somebody for a medentry group discount? :) Thanks!
  2. P

    Med sci at UNSW or Usyd? Aiming for postgrad med @ Usyd

    Hey guys, Pretty much what the title says; what are the pros and cons of medsci at UNSW and USYD if I was undertaking the course with an intention to do GAMSAT and hopefully end up in Usyd's post graduate medicine? Also, does Usyd look at ATAR when judging people for post graduate med? Thanks
  3. P

    Need over 50 in all sections for JMP at newcastle?

    Hey guys, I was just wondering do you have to have over 50 in all sections in the UMAT to be able to apply for the JMP between University of newcastle and armidale? Or do you stand a chance at second round offers etc, if one of your sections didn't quite make the 50 mark? Also, I know alot of...
  4. P

    Pre-trial estimates!

    School rank: 5-10 Subjects: English Adv: 30/137 English Ext: 40/67 Math 2u: 81/105 Biology: 18/50 Chemistry: 21/74 Modern History: 6/13 Thanks!