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  1. J

    Can i use the AOS syllabus for my mods?

    I'm quite confused about this english syllabus :\ I get my thesis from the AOS syllabus but in class we're doing MOD A: comparative and was wondering if i can use AOS syllabus? :blink2: sorry if this makes no sense LOL i dont even get what i'm talking about ; A;
  2. J

    can i write a weird analysis on a scene in english?

    so in a few week i'll be getting an listening/viewing task and was wondering if i could just make the most weirdest interpretations of a scene. So for example, if a guy was sitting in a car talking i would write about how the car symbolises his future of moving forward blah blah etc LOL...
  3. J

    Can i use anime as my related text?

    For my AOS i used this shitty poem and it turned out alright because my tutor picked it for me LOL but i dont really understand the meaning behind it and was thinking of changing my related to an anime. It would be so fascinating analysing an anime cause anime is love xD but when the hsc markers...
  4. J

    Good at writing essays but bad in answering/creative in english

    got my "real real" english mark back from first task and was 13/15 YESSSS but 6/15 for listening In prelim i was hanging near the B ranges for essay writing but creative 5/15 LOL and answering 6/15 (lol that typical 1 mark for every question) i dont really know (i actually dont know) how...
  5. J

    Do you understand shakespeares text without reading an analysis/summary?

    I think i'll be lurking around the english forum a lot LOL so, i'm starting king richard III at school and for fk sakes i literally dont understand anything in class. teacher keeps picking on me in class discussion and i'm just sitting there nodding pretending to know. I like to read books...
  6. J

    creative writing question

    creative writing can be ANYTHING right? i was thinking back to my prelim creative and i got 5 out of 20. average was 7 in the year so LOL hhahah we had to choose a topic of our creative and i chose emotional journey and wrote some crap about huge titans (yes SNK :3) and the teacher was...
  7. J

    Failed english exam

    I recently got back my results for english listening task and i didn't pass. I am 100% sure i am last for adv english. I got 6/15 like what even is this shit. Haven't got my essay back but i am pretty sure i failed that as well. I am literally afraid of hsc because i'm not confident in my...